Sunday, November 21, 2010

Selecting Distance Learning Technologies

     This blog examines the possible Distance Learning Technologies that might be used in a particular scenario. The scenario I have chosen was an asynchronous training on safety when operating heavy machinery for a biodiesel manufacturing plant. The trainings needed to be stand-alone modules, accommodate all shifts, and allow employees to demonstrate their learning from the modules.

     I start with the assumption of the use of a CMS as a main framework of the modules. This of course, provides for many of the needs the module has in managing student use, presenting content, and organizing access to resources. However there are other components that I believe are needed to make the modules comprehensive to the average worker that is learning safety regarding heavy machinery.

     Because the act or using heavy machinery in a volatile environment such as fuels is primarily a physical and tactile experience I would utilize video to represent the real-world setting that the employee must practice safety in. YouTube is one of many Web 2.0 applications that include collaboration qualities, high participation, ease of use and placement within other web based environments (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, & Zvacek, 2009). You tube is widely used as a teaching tool. A simple search of YouTube videos will produce many results of instruction from How to Use a Ruler (Malik, 2009) which teaches the basics of using a ruler for making straight lines to use for measurement; in addition the searcher will find YouTube videos providing information with visual assistance in understanding of complex ideas such as quantum physics as in the video Double Slit Experiment - The Strangeness Of Quantum Mechanics (Best of Science, 2009)which uses the motion picture and computer animation to illustrate a highly abstract concept.

     One of the important requirements for the module in this scenario is the ability to assess the understanding and knowledge of the information provided in the module. This task can be accomplished by several choices in the online learning world today. Perception, which is from Questionmark (Questionmark, provides a program that the designer can use to author testing, deliver to a variety of sources to be used by the student, build assessments that give instant feedback to participants. This product incorporates survey, formative assessment, summative assessment, and diagnostic assessment. This tool is used by educational facilities, business companies, government entities, and public agencies. Prominent users include BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit authority), University of Houston, and Popeye’s Chicken Biscuits.

     There are many tools that can be utilized in the online learning environment today. Many that fit in the Web 2.0 family of tools include high level of participation and engagement, with varying levels of interactivity, and collaboration. Yet there are many tools such as email, blogging, forums that have been around for many years, but are vital assets to distance learning.

YouTube. Located at

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2009). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education (4th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.

Malik, S., 2009. How to Use a Ruler. YouTube. Retrieved from

Best of Science. (2009) Double Slit Experiment - The Strangeness Of Quantum Mechanics. YouTube. Retrieved from

Questionmark. Questionmark Perception. Retrieved from

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