Monday, December 20, 2010

Reflecting On EDUC 6135

Simonson defines online learning institution-based, formal education where the learning group is separated, and where interactive telecommunications systems are used to connect learners, resources, and instructors (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, Zvacek, 2009).  This definition allows for a wide variety of experiences to be included in the family of online learning environments.  Distance learning has evolved as the quality of technology, growth in innovation, and increase in access have developed and broadened.  Historically distance learning can be viewed as a long existing method of education.  A familiar form is the correspondence high school diploma that was earned by those isolated in rural America, children of Peace Corp members abroad, or students expelled from the public education system.  Of course there are the long existing vocational programs that bestowed certificates and degrees of completion ranging from locksmith to dress maker.  There seemed to be a perception that these forms of education were in existence for the student that found themselves in a bad place, older with desires to secure better blue-collar work, or the individual with enough time and money that enjoyed learning new things.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the average person today will have seven to ten jobs in their lifetime (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010).  Sometimes attributed to the U.S. Department of Labor is the notion that within those job changes the average worker changes occupations three to seven times (McKay 2006).  Personal anecdotal knowledge has seen this take place through the common cycle of lay-offs, re-training, and career shift that has taken place over several times in my adult life. 
It is this historical evolution of work that will have the biggest impact on the perception of distance education.  We have moved into a work-style on a time schedule that requires learners to be educated or trained in differing geographical areas, with course time at non-traditional hours and periods, and in congruence with existing subsistence employment to assure economic survival until better training yields better employment.  These catalytic conditions require more and more people to view online learning or distance learning in a new and expanded way.  Furthermore, the integration of the computer, internet access, and innovative applications contribute to a sense of integrity that has moved the distance learning encounter into academia and raised its level of acceptance in many individual’s perceptions.  Distance learning’s perception is based, as are most perceptions, on need and the level of use.  Today, as a result of the No Child Left Behind Act, a growing number of school districts fall under the umbrella of Program Improvement (Edsource website).  This forces school districts to supply, at their cost, third-party interventions for failing subgroups.  These requirements are creating a market of extended learning experiences such as tutors.  Additionally, online programs for the K-12 aged child are beginning to develop.  The online learning environment can be a solution for districts in budget crisis. Distance learning will continue to become an essential source of education with a growing demand from society. 
These demands will require the designer to maintain a professional approach to many areas of the course development process to assure improved societal perceptions of the instructional design discipline.  Gambescia and Paolucci addressed academic fidelity and integrity as elements that would have bearing on the quality of the online courses to be developed (Gambescia & Paolucci, 2009).  Many of the same concerns must be given to the distance learning components of institutions as the traditional settings.  This would include governance structures of all role players.  Qualifications must be upheld in the online education program as in the traditional for administrators and faculty.  This practice of equanimity should also apply to the area of curriculum (Gambescia & Paolucci, 2009).   Here the designer is a chief player in the establishment of high standard and quality content that will make up the education experience.  It is important that the designer does not simply move traditional learning environments into online learning settings without thorough analysis of the unique needs to the online course.  The designer will need to assure the high level of student involvement required for success (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, Zvacek, 2009).  The instructional designer will have the distinctive task of creating the effective ways to use the communication tools available to ensure that students participate and maintain a high-level of motivation.  In the media presentation Facilitating Online Learning Dr. Piskurich makes the important point that it is vital to keep the online student from leaving the course because they become unmotivated or disengaged by course curriculum that lacks interaction (Piskurisch, 2010).  Ultimately the ID must examine the assets of the course and then select and build those components and approaches which fit together to create the quality learning product society is coming to expect from distance learning experiences.  
In the role of instructional designer I will focus on providing access to educational experiences that are effective and deliver needed learning with quality content.  I have a goal to use online learning to adapt status quo learning practices for school-aged children into educational occurrences that are more learner-centered and yield academic excellence.  With the tools of technology and the methods of distance learning applications I will give students the opportunities to transfer knowledge, demonstrate mastery, and innovate for problem solving.  I see the need to create learning environments that nurture the natural state of life-long learning and address the deficits of the modern educational setting for the young child.  I value the ability to use distance learning constructs to furnish an educational experience to a contemporary student population that identifies with technology and electronic media more than any previous generation.  These students must be given quality curricular interactions based on high standards that reflect the child’s developmental approach to skill acquisition and yet generate the achievement of self-motivation and an internal locus of control.  It is my belief that through a process of building and delivering sound programs based on these ideas that a positive regard will be created for online learning as the method of education used to convey this scholarship.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2010). Employee Tenure Summary. Retrieved from website at
McKay, D. (2006). Dawn’s Career Planning Blog. website.
Edsource website. (2010). Retrieved from

Gambescia, S., & Paolucci, R. (2009). Academic fidelity and integrity as attributes of university online degree program offerings. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 12(1). Retrieved from
Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2009). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education (4th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.


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